Your ancestors are dead, had no power over death, they can not save anyone from dying
Your ancestors are dead, had no power over death, they can not save anyone from dying
My ancestors my ancestors, some people call.
Your ancestors are dead.
They had no power over death, and they can’t protect you from death, they would had protected themselves first.
Your ancestors died of deseases, they can’t heal you because deseases over powered them that was why they died.
They can’t protect you because they had not protected themselves against danger or calamities that took away their lives.
They can’t give wealth or riches because when they were alive, they hardly eat three square meal, they died in wretchedness and in abject poverty.
This is very true about the ancestors, you see people going to the graves to worship ancestors that died single for marriage. They go to worship ancestor that died with no business, and no job, they ask for income. They go to an ancestor that died being a witch to save them from evil spirits.
How can you expect the same evil person to save you from evil spirits. We unnecessary invite evil spirits in our homes and lives. There is a certain level of ignorance that the devil is using to cover people’s minds not to exercise wisdom in such matters. You can only ask for a spirit to do something from a person who had it, but with these ancestors is a different matter, people don’t think. No wonder we have many black Africans who are poor.
Thank you
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