The Qwabe twins cause a commotion with their photos as to which twin it is in a recent post
The Qwabe twins cause a commotion with their photos as to which twin it is in a recent post
Back then they used to see twins as a curse or something. They would kill one of them while some separated them. It’s a revelation to see that gone are those times of such harsh ways. We are now grateful that we have twins around us and appreciate them.
The Qwabe twins are very much identical. It doesn’t make it easy the fact that they wear the same outfits. The people around them must be having a hard time knowing who is who. We love how far their music career is going. They are currently in Malawi for a performance and we are here for it.
As mentioned above these two are very much identical. We feel for those that are around us. They shared headshots of them. They are confusing their fans as to who is who. We are not even going to participate in this because we would definitely get zero.
Content created and supplied by: PennyM (via Opera News )