South African Musicians Robbed after a performance

South African Musicians Robbed after a performance

While many people settle for every day jobs, where they go to work and return home making a little bit of money. There are a lot of other people who try to get into Performance jobs. If they are talented enough these artists can become world famous, make a lot of money while making their Country proud. Unfortunately in South Africa, two recent cases have shown us that even artists are not safe from crime.

A video recently posted to social media site Facebook, which you can watch by clicking on the link below, shows us how artists were robbed at a garage after a performance at a club in Kelvin Sandton.

In the video the man explains how he was buying a pack of cigarettes from the garage when him and his team were ambushed by criminals. The man had ten thousand Rand in cash stolen along with his iphone, while his DJ and his manager was also robbed of their possessions. The criminals also took their vehicle which was a BMW, however the car was luckily recovered after the criminals couldn’t find the tracker.

The artist believe that this may have been a coincidence or a set up.

Unfortunately this is not an isolated event and it comes as a group of models who were a part of a music video shoot was violently raped and others were beaten. Which suggests some sad implications for South Africa. Click on the link to watch the video or keep reading for my opinion.

Artist who become famous are often representations of their Country and the citizens of their Country are often proud to say that these are their people. Unfortunately if any of these artists become famous, will they be proud of South Africa or will they look back at their time living here with hate.

While every citizen in our country should be protected, I believe that attacks on our artists should be paid special attention to as these people with bring pride and fame to our Country. Which we desperately need now that we are dealing with so many issues.

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