School Kids Slept At Parking Lot At Unattended After Principal & Teachers Went Out To Do This: SAD

School Kids Slept At Parking Lot At Unattended After Principal & Teachers Went Out To Do This: SAD

SAD: School Kids Slept At Parking Lot At Unattended After Principal & Teachers Went Out To Do This

Source: Eastern Cape Vacancies With Asanda

Parents and the rest of Mzansi have reacted to the teachers and the principal after they left these kids unattended. Apparently there are pictures which is currently circulating in social media which has left many people in tears. According to the source the school kids lying in parking lot is believed to Mathole J.S.S or Tolweni J.S.S.

According to the source the school kids had a tour at Wildcoast Sun with their teachers and Principal. The kids were found sleeping unattended at the parking lot after their taxi driver, teachers and the principal left them at 18:00 with no one to look after them. It was reported by the source that they came back the following morning at 2am while the kids slept at the parking lot.

The taxi drivers, Principal and Wildcoast Sun with their teachers and Principal. Is said to have locked the other taxi and left kids outside with the coldness and they drove away in one Taxi. Seeing them lying on parking lot, at night, unattended, cold, hungry and for hours till in the morning, this means they didn’t book any place for the kids to be safe and comfo

Mzansi have reacted to the principal who is the head and the leader of a school. Mzansi think this is cruel, how the principal leave a kids unattended at night with this high volume of crime which is currently taking place in South Africa. This is what happen when People enter into this teaching profession for the sake of money and not calling such incidents unfold and happen.

People in social media think that they used the kids tour as an escape for them to get out and do their own thing. SGB and Education Department must get rid of the principal. It was a very irresponsible act from his side. The SACE must cut them off from the roll, this is totally unacceptable.

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Content created and supplied by: Babe2020 (via Opera News )