Pictures! The inspiring story of a mother, father, and daughter who graduated with the Ph.D. same year

Pictures! The inspiring story of a mother, father, and daughter who graduated with the Ph.D. same year

Photo credits: Twitter

Education is the most powerful weapon. Of which one can use to overcome poverty, these are the words from the former head of South African state, Comrade Nelson Mandela. Those were the most powerful words that changed South African politics and became very famous across the world.

It is very much important for South African citizens to continue encouraging each other to promote Academics Always and all the time. It ends up easing things for our country, when we continue having so many of the South Africans getting educated, those are the powerful words to happen In our country, and must continue happening in that way.

Beautiful stories remain endless In our country and need to be celebrated to ensure that many others get inspired by these stories coming from Black South Africans who are stronger and educated, that’s how South African politics are in the meantime and continue to be.

The major problem in our country, is the fact that we continue having many of the South Africans who disregard education, they say so many things regarding education, and they discourage many others who are willing to be educated all the time and always.

There is a beautiful story coming from UCT as the daughter was graduating for Ph.D., it was indicated that the whole family, mother-son, and daughter they were celebrating their PHDs, this becomes a beautiful story for the whole country and the family at this point and time as things happen in this way.

It’s rare that children follow in the footsteps of their parents at this point and time. In most cases, when parents are educated, the children take advantage and stop furthering their studies and ensure that their lives change for gold and better, that’s how things are really.




Content created and supplied by: TSHUNGUNEWS (via Opera News )