JUST IN: Amanda Du Pont And Jub-Jub’s Alleged Victims Have Taken The Matter To The Police

JUST IN: Amanda Du Pont And Jub-Jub’s Alleged Victims Have Taken The Matter To The Police

Source: https://twitter.com/Chriseldalewis/status/1467156325578776576?t=pHEI2TNfNa_CeIG0T5CLDw&s=19


Things have gone south for suspended Uyajola 9/9 presenter Molemo ‘Jub Jub ‘ Maarohanye ever since actress Amanda Du Pont made allegations of assault against him, citing that when they were in a relationship, he used to force himself on her.

What started as an interview of fun in which he was threatening to expose celebrities and made allegations of witchcraft against songstress Kelly Khumalo has resulted in Jub Jub’s career is threatened.

For one, Moja Love has decided to suspend him as the host of the most-watched show on the channel. Not just that, many other women have come forward and have made allegations of assault against him.

This has angered many people who are believing the victims and are demanding that the ex-convict should be sent back to prison.


According to SABC news reporter Chriselda Lewis, Amanda has decided to take the matter to the courts and her lawyer, Tony Mathe, has revealed that the actress and three other women who have made the same allegations against Jub Jub will be pressing charges of rape against him.

Public’s Opinion

Amanda’s supporters are worried that the case will take too long and that Jub-Jub can sue the alleged victims for defamation of character, however, they are hopeful that the law will take its course and comforted that most companies will refuse to associate their brand with Jub Jub until the courts make a decision.

Author’s Opinion



For the victims to find closure, they should head to court. It does not matter that they took too long to report it to to the police, but for them to be able to move on with their lives, the courts should decide.

Jub Jub will also have a chance to prove his innocence if the allegations against him are false. Furthermore, he will learn to appreciate and respect all women. Speaking ill of his former lovers is what landed him in trouble.

Let the courts decide.

Content created and supplied by: Sasatjie (via Opera News )