Heartbreaking Pictures: 2 months old baby that looks very OLD. Read about this disease

Heartbreaking Pictures: 2 months old baby that looks very OLD. Read about this disease

There are various genetic diseases. Diseases that can be recessive, but show themselves on the offspring. Some parents are going through a lot, as they cannot bear the pain of the disabled babies they have given birth to. Such babies are already subjected to societal discrimination and mocking. It is heartbreaking to imagine what the mother goes through. Traumatizing incident indeed. This baby is suffering from Progeria (Premature aging)What is premature aging?

Progeria is also known as Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome (HGPS) or “Benjamin Button” disease. This is a rare genetic disease that causes the child’s body to age rapidly. Mutations in the LMNA gene can cause premature aging. Most children with Progeria will not live to 13 years old.Image

This disease affects people of all genders and races equally. Approximately 1 in 4 million babies in the world is born with this disease. Errors in the gene can cause it to make abnormal proteins. When cells use this protein called presenilin, they break down more easily. This can lead to rapid aging in children with Progeria. Image

Symptoms of premature aging

Babies are usually born without any symptoms, but begin to show signs of illness within the first year. They will develop some physical characteristics, including:

Slow growth in height and weight.

Larger head.

Big eyes that cannot be completely closed.

Small chin.

Thin nose with a beak-like tip.

Protruding ears.

You can see the veins.

The teeth grow slowly and abnormally.

Very loud sound.

Body fat and muscle decrease.

Hair loss, including eyelashes and eyebrows.

The skin has fine wrinkles and shows blemishes.

As children with Progeria get older, they will develop diseases common to people 50 and older, such as bone loss, arteriosclerosis, and heart disease. Children with Progeria usually die from a heart attack or stroke. Premature aging does not affect the intelligence or brain development of children. Children with this disease are not more susceptible to infection than other children.Image

Causes and risk factors of premature aging

Mutations in the lamin A gene (LMNA) cause premature aging. This gene produces a protein that holds the center of the cell together. For progeria, the body produces an abnormal form of lamin A called progeria, which can lead to rapid aging. Researchers have not yet discovered any risk factors for Progeria. It cannot be inherited or passed from parent to child.





Progeria: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments (webmd.com)

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