It all started here, I was struggling but God’s Grace Saved me_ Makhadzis reflects on her past
It all started here, I was struggling but God’s Grace Saved me_ Makhadzis reflects on her past
We all have a story to tell, all people come from one situation to another, we all depend on the grace of God for survival, we are all at some points being assisted by God to do well in our lives, that’s how our situations are all the time and in most instances.
But sometimes, there are people who do not at all appreciate the things which have been changed and shaped by God in their lives in most instances, that’s how people are all the time. When things change in our lives, we must forever appreciate that and when necessary thank God for the developments he has made in our lives. All the times
In the South African music industry, Makhadzis is amongst many of the Artists who struggled a lot to reach the situation they are in. People have seen her struggling, but in the meantime, she is exceptionally doing well.
Those who are still pulled down by the situations must at least learn something from Mkahdzi, that gift alone is not enough, but the grace of God and commitment can intervene in the success of someone. She has made it in life, and might not struggle once again.
Another thing that is inspiring me about her is the fact that she is not relying only on her gift, but she is fighting enough to also start her own businesses in her life and push them to do exceptionally well all the time, that’s how she is and must be respected for that.
At a young age, Makhadzis is already having and owning most of the things of which ordinary and normal people do not have in the meantime. She must forever be appreciated for standing bold and making it in her life, that’s how she is all the time.
Content created and supplied by: TSHUNGUNEWS (via Opera News )