Sadness hangs over the place: Condolence messages pour in for Lamiez Holworthy

Sadness hangs over the place: Condolence messages pour in for Lamiez Holworthy

Losing someone you love and care about is one of the hardest things that has to happen to a person, you can’t even wish it to happen to your worst enemy. What is most painful is you will never get to see and talk to your favorite person ever again, what will be left with you will be just memories you created together.

Photo: Facebook @Lamiez Holworthy
This has been the toughest week for our favorite media personality and our best female DJ, DJ Lamiez Holworthy as she is mourning the loss of someone close to her heart.

Photo: Facebook @Lamiez Holworthy
Taking it to social media during the week, she announced she is going through a tough time and what she feels is more than physical pain as she lost someone who is like a little brother to her.

Photo: Facebook @Lamiez Holworthy
Today they were laying him to rest, and our DJ shared a very touching message directed to her loved one. She said the last time she went through this and felt this pain was when she lost her father in the year 2019.

Photo: Facebook @Lamiez Holworthy
“Ong robile pelo ngwana ko gae, saying my last goodbye today felt like one long nightmare. You were however given such a well sent off and that makes me happy.

I love you. I always will. Our team will not be the same without you. I promise to take care of your parents for you. I however refuse to believe that this is God’s will. You were taken from in a senseless manner and I will not rest until your killer is found,” said Ramirez Holworthy on her Facebook page.

At these difficult times, her fans showed her what family really means, sending touching, comforting, and words of encouragement.

Understand something, in South Africa, innocent people are murdered every day while the evil monsters who did this still be roaming the streets freely. Please make sure you are safe this festive season, let your loved ones where you will be at what time. Make sure they know how much they are loved, we live in such a cruel world.


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