He got a permanent job: a man became a laughing stock after his pictures circulated on social media

He got a permanent job: a man became a laughing stock after his pictures circulated on social media

Every time a Black man gets involved with a white woman, the world is always watching closely, waiting for any opportunity for a white woman to cry, so that society can flip the script. Especially when the man is very much younger than his partner. Most of the time, these men are painted for being lairs and for not loving these women as they pretend to do. We usually hear such situations being associated with these men only getting into these relationships just for money and nothing else. Pictures of a happy couple are recently trending on social media and it was shared in one post that: “He got a permanent job”. The post caught a lot of people’s attention as one of the people who commented stated: “Permanent job and a farm🤣🤣. The lady is old for this guy honestly, right as there are benefits and life policy proceeds 🤣🤣”. What do you think of this type of relationship? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below, like, and don’t forget to hit the share button.



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