Incoming President of the ANC Look who SA thinks should replace Ramaphosa. Zuma’s ally
Incoming President of the ANC Look who SA thinks should replace Ramaphosa. Zuma’s ally
The ANC is scattered, the party is divided into two parts. There are those that are siding with Jacob Zuma, and others with Ramaphosa. After the low votes and losing many municipalities across the country, people feel like the blame should be put on the ANC leadership. Indeed, if people rebel against the leadership, they are going to make their voices heard during the elections. The same has happened with the current ANC leadership, where the ANC experienced below 50% of the total national votes. Something that has never happened before. Someone needs to be held accountable for this, and the ANC needs to be saved. This is the party that made sure that the apartheid regime is defeated, and it cannot collapse before 30 years of power. Hence, a lot of people are calling for a change within the leadership, so that the party could be saved. See the source image
People did not want to go out and vote on the 1st of November, an indication of a lack of trust in the current ANC leadership. If people wanted to get rid of the ANC, they could have gone out in masses and voted for oppositional parties, in order to remove the ANC from power. However, they chose not to vote for any party, and their silence means a lot. President Ramaphosa has not finished his first term, and it will come to an end in 2024, where he has a chance of leading the ANC again, or someone will be given a chance to bring a change within the ANC. See the source image
South African on social media has been debating after a lady posted the suspended General Secretary, Ace Magashule, and declared him as the future president of the ANC. Everyone has his own choice, and some are rejecting the proposal that Magashule should lead the ANC. It is a fascinating dilemma.
A landmark as South Africa’s ANC dips below 50% support – The Durango Herald
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