He still makes me laugh Connie Ferguson tells her fans as she shares a memory of them

He still makes me laugh Connie Ferguson tells her fans as she shares a memory of them

There’s a reason why we film things and even take pictures. It might seem line a nuisance but they live forever and actual keep the memories alive. We grow up as people and tend to forget certain things but the recorded memories help a lot.

Actress and businesswoman Connie Ferguson lost her husband and soul mate Shona Ferguson. These two did everything together so much that the whole country felt their love and his death. Everyone has been putting her and their family in their prayers.

She has been pushing and sharing with her fans. It might be hard but God is with her. These two hard one of the most loving relationships, they made each other laugh so bad all the time. She has shared a video of them together where she was complaining about working on Saturday. Telling him that she needs to tell her boss. They laughed at the joke because they were both bosses.




She captioned it “😂😂😂 He STILL makes me laugh!😂”. The memories that they made will heal and comfort them. It’s good to hear that he still makes her laugh.

Content created and supplied by: PennyM (via Opera News )